Alice in Wonderland download
Alice in Wonderland download

Alice in Wonderland download

: Alice followed the White Rabbit to the edge of the hole and she stopped2. Talk to audience and 8u'p into the hole2. e"s in a rabbit stew) an"t e$en say goodbye (All sing : ello) I"m late I"m late I"m late I run and then I hop hop hop I wish that I could #ly There"s a danger i# I stop stop stop And here"s the reason why! Ill never 'ake it! I' late.

Alice in Wonderland download

White Rabbit : 7ing the song2 h no! h no! h no! h no! I"m late I"m late #or a $ery important date %o time to say &hello" and &goodbye" I"m late I"m late I"m late I"m late (narrators sing: he"s o$erdue '. White Rabbit : /h 3ear% dear% dear! Alice : 0ow cool is that! I wonder what is the right thing to say to a talking rabbit. White Rabbit: I am late! I am late! I am late! Alice (The White Rabbit runs on while carrying a big pocket watch. : (o% (o% White Rabbit% (ou (oure re on! &alling for White Rabbit while shouting2. )oth narrators narrators : The White White Rabbit!! Rabbit!! Narraror " The &heshire &ats look at each other and throw a huge smile to audience). : The White Rabbit!! -crickets chirping sound. : Alice Alice 'eets a pallid% long+eared% carrot+'unching ,uadruped known only only as. : It#s a land filled with racing $obsters% caterpillar% painting cards% and even a &heshire &at% that#s 'e! : Alice Alice is about to discover that Wonderland Wonderland is nothing nothing like she epected! Introduction: Two Two narrators will start the play pla y by introducing on the character of Alice and the White Rabbit.

Alice in Wonderland download